

A little about me!

Live from HALF-LIVING shoot on 03/26/23 - From left to right AD - Anthony Diaz, Director - Josiah Holroyd, DP - Sofia Forero Matheus, Camera Operator - Corey Clark


Josiah Holroyd

Hello Everyone! My name is Josiah Holroyd and you’re probably here to learn about me or hire me for some work so let me tell you a little bit about myself! I am a graduate of Columbia College Chicago, with a focus on Directing and Editing. I have always found the film format to be the most exciting and interesting way to tell stories and I want to continue to do so for the rest of my life, even if that means getting paid for it or not.

During my junior year of high school, I decided to become self-employed. From there I made client commercial work for locals, as well as some out-of-town businesses. I still continue to do work under my name to this day.

My creative approach— is to find the most efficient, and artistic way to tell a story. Being fast while also maintaining quality is my number one priority, especially when it comes to client work.

When it comes to narrative work I have started to mold and grow as an individual to a point where I feel like I NEED to tell stories. The fables in my head are screaming to come out and I plan to continue to write and develop those stories while doing work to pay the bills.





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